1522 Collective

& Beyond Flavour

Reimaging surplus food

FOOD | 1 min read




現在的生活型態尤其住在大城市中,取得食物對我們來說可以說是不太難的事,但有趣的是,因為為了節省時間、因為超市的誘人優惠還有那些因為各種合理的理由,我們最後都會多買一點點放在家裡。當然,連我自己也不例外,而且讓我困擾的是,總會有一些食材,等我發現它時,他的狀態已經處於一種食之無味,棄之可惜的狀態。不曉得該拿他們如何是好🤨... 於是我開啟了這個企劃:

介紹水餃已經完成的實驗有哪些 with youtube/website/instagram

Climate solution : How might we help individuals take action smoothly and realise they can make a difference ?

People need solutions that can be adapted into their daily lives smoothly and constantly. There’re lots of actions against global warming, but some of them are in vague terms like “get off fossil fuels”. Moreover, it’s not about individual action anymore, but individuals can make a difference. Therefore, the climate solution we focused on “Reduce Food Waste” is to explore how we can help individuals realise the power of collaboration : single individuals can impact larger change.

Food Waste in the UK : Over 70% of the UK's surplus foods (excluding inedible food) results in the household sector.

整理一些看到的相關處理food waste的案例連結